As the days grow shorter and temperatures drop, the digital landscape starts buzzing with excitement for the upcoming Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping extravaganzas. For e-commerce brands, these two days represent a tremendous opportunity for sales and growth. To make the most of it, meticulous preparation and optimisation are key. Throughout this article I will be outlining a few tips to ensure you are maximising on this opportunity and getting the most out of the Black Friday/ Cyber Monday shoppers.

Performance and Resilience testing: Your Foundation for Success

E-commerce brands preparing for Black Friday/Cyber Monday should prioritise performance and resilience testing. The surge in online traffic during these days can be overwhelming, and your website must be ready to handle it without a hitch. Here are a few tips we recommend starting with:

Start Early testing: The best piece of advice I can provide is to begin testing as soon as possible. Don't put it off until the last moment. Determine possible problems and opportunities for improvement early on to allow for full testing and corrections. To determine what connects most with your audience, run continuous AB testing on aspects like as product descriptions, photos, price, and Call to Actions (CTAs). Then, adjust your approach.

Stress Test Your Infrastructure: Run stress testing on your infrastructure to make sure it can manage large traffic volumes on your website. To avoid crashes during the busiest shopping times, identify bottlenecks and improve server performance.

Verify Payment Processing and test Checkout Process: To prevent any payment difficulties or security problems during transactions, payment processing should be carefully tested. Verify that every payment option is fully functional. Offer guest checkout choices and don't forget to provide trust indicators like security badges. Keep a close eye on the checkout procedure. To verify that it is user-friendly and that all payment gateways are operating properly, thoroughly test it.

Mobile Responsiveness is Crucial: Mobile responsiveness is essential because of the explosive growth of mobile commerce. To guarantee a flawless experience for mobile customers, test your website's responsiveness across a range of mobile devices and browsers. Use calls-to-action (CTAs) that are obvious, sticky, and persuading, especially on mobile devices, to direct visitors towards desired activities.

Remember, a slow or unresponsive website can drive customers away faster than you can say "Black Friday deal." Performance testing is your first line of defence.

AB Testing: Uncovering the Secrets of Success

AB testing is a powerful tool during the Black Friday/Cyber Monday rush. It enables you to experiment with different website elements and discover what resonates best with your audience. Here are a few AB tests idea that may help you for Black Friday/Cyber Monday:

  • Different homepage hero/banner image styles (focused on deals, products, brands, etc)
  • Countdown timer for upcoming deals
  • Free shipping minimum set at £50 vs £75 vs £100
  • Product Listing / Category pages sorted by discount percentage vs popularity
  • Separate category pages for Black Friday deals vs mixing with existing catalogue
  • Different subject lines - "24 Hours Left for Black Friday Deals!" vs "Last Chance for Black Friday!"
  • Popup offering gift card for email signup vs discount percent off
  • Top navigation link saying, "Black Friday Deals" vs "Holiday Deals"
  • Fonts or text styling for major site headlines and buttons
  • Border around Black Friday deal badges vs no border
  • Dedicated Black Friday landing page vs banner link to deals page
  • Social proof messaging like "100+ bought this deal" vs "Limited quantities!"
  • Free shipping on orders over £100 vs free standard shipping

There are many elements retail sites can test to optimise performance over the key Black Friday shopping period. Let me know if you need any other AB testing ideas! Our Webtrends Optimize team is always ready to help.

Personalisation: The Conversion Catalyst

Personalisation is a great way to show your customers you really care about them and their needs. Below are some techniques you can use throughout your website to incorporate this.

User Profiling: Leverage user data to create detailed profiles based on browsing history, past purchases, and demographics. Use this information to offer tailored product recommendations.

Dynamic Content: Implement dynamic content that changes based on user behaviour. Highlight products frequently bought together or showcase trending items.

Segmented Campaigns: Create segmented campaigns with personalised subject lines and content. Send offers aligned with user interests and shopping history.

Search widget: They can engage customers in real-time. These can provide personalised search results, making the shopping experience more enjoyable.

Wishlist Reminders: Send email reminders about Wishlist items that are on sale or low in stock. This re-engages potential buyers who previously showed interest.

Urgency Tactics: Create personalised countdown timers for users with items in their carts but haven't checked out. This adds urgency and encourages them to complete the purchase.

In conclusion, Black Friday and Cyber Monday are not just about slashing prices; they're about creating an exceptional shopping experience that stands out in a crowded marketplace. As a QA lead, I've seen first-hand the difference that meticulous testing and personalisation can make. By following these strategies, e-commerce brands can ensure a seamless shopping experience and maximise conversions during this pivotal shopping season. Remember, the journey to e-commerce excellence begins with a commitment to quality and a dedication to customer satisfaction.