Financial service organisations are constantly seeking the greatest return on investment (ROI) from each touch point and channel in their customers’ journeys.

The rapid maturation of digital optimisation – content and experience testing or behavioural targeting – offers reliable and consistent improvement in customer experiences. For financial organisations that constantly work to improve their relationships with each customer, client or member, optimisation programs can and should deliver additive gains through an iterative process. This rapid maturation has also fuelled organisational trust in vendor ability to test and target content within the constraints imposed by any regulated industry such as financial services. In the end, simple tests can yield tremendous results that improve customer satisfaction, drive online applications, and preserve the trust of visitors while they engage with your digital brand.

Running an enterprise-class optimisation program consisting of sophisticated testing and targeting can be a huge challenge. Distributed ownership, unclear optimisation goals or processes, legacy technical systems and rigorous security requirements can all derail a budding optimisation program within an enterprise environment.

However, while working closely with clients in technology, financial services, travel and many other industries, we’ve found that the greatest indicator for how successful an optimisation program will be is the composition and skill level of the optimisation team.

Compliance and governance in financial services require special considerations for project leads and team members. You should train your team on the specific policies within your organisation that might affect the optimisation program and work with the team to develop appropriate processes and documentation to ensure compliance and auditing of handoffs and approvals.

Considerations for the team include:

  • Secure pages that limit testing options
  • Legal approval on copy and creative slow testing
  • Cookies and tracking limitations can limit insights
  • Frequency of content changes imposed by IT or governance
  • Vendor access to staging environments
  • Data collection due to privacy concerns
  • Process documentation and change management audits

These considerations may vary across properties (banking vs. credit cards vs. loans), requiring even more coordination by either the Project Lead or the Project Manager.

In our guide, How to Build an Enterprise-Class Optimisation Team, we describe each and every necessary role in a complete optimisation team along with three ways you can build your optimisation team.

This guide will cover:

  • How to setup an optimisation team for long-term success.
  • What to look for while filling each role either with internal resources or external.
  • How to find a reliable team outside of your organisation.

Building your optimisation team can be easy or challenging depending on your approach, but the important thing to remember is that it is the key to a high-performing program and the rewards can be substantial. A successful optimisation program can make your customers happier, your campaigns more successful and drive your business forward on the back of hard data.