Meet: Insightful

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Digital growth specialist, Insightful, focus on working with clients who either build a website from scratch or need to improve an existing website. They believe the better informed you are, the better your ability to make good decisions. With so much to choose from these days, they are on a mission to make things clearer and help you do the right thing - at the right time. They offer a range of services to make clients’ services slicker, products work better, and websites work harder.

Insightful proudly offer an evidence-based approach to marketing that informs better decision making. As part of their formula, they create long-term client relationships that drive growth, use data to make decisions and bring in specialist partners to deliver specific KPI’s. This set of skills, alongside what we offer at Webtrends Optimize, will ensure businesses are increasing their online conversions and maximising ROI from their website with customers benefitting from better results than ever, based on real data.



Region: UK
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12-14 High St,
Poole, BH15 1BP

Having experienced limitations in other experimentation platforms, the team at Webtrends Optimize supported us to get a complex testing programme up and running quickly, focusing on some key bottlenecks in the conversion process and integrity of the existing data.

The capabilities of the platform make Webtrends Optimize our testing platform of choice, and have helped us drive better results, faster and with more robust actionable data!

Chris Newnham – Director @ Insightful

With their insatiable focus on the customer, Insightful get right to the core of what someone wants to achieve through their website. Utilising customer research and insight to ascertain brand fit, clarity of messaging and crucially identifying any barriers means that any mismatches between expectation and reality that can then be experimented on.

Matt Smith – CEO @ Webtrends Optimize

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