So you’ve had exit intent messaging on your site for a while now and are not seeing the uptake it once did. So If any of the following scenarios below resemble your exit intent strategy, then you may just be the predictable one in your customer relationship.

  1. You only have Exit Intent on your check out funnel
  2. You consistently offer promotions to your abandoning customers
  3. Your conversion rates are static since introducing Exit Intent

If you answered yes to any of the above, then perhaps you should look at ways to revitalise your strategy!

Exit Intent is not just for sales funnels but can and should be used throughout your site. Firstly, think about the different journeys your visitors will be on when browsing your website; are they new or existing? Are they customers or are they researching?

Another approach to using Exit Intent would be to look at other KPI’s you want customers to achieve; sign up for promotions, brand information, fact finding etc. Asking customers to register for information, offers or warranties are all successful KPI’s within any business.

Or if you’re stuck in a rut and know something isn’t quite right on your site then why not ask your customers directly? Did they find what they were looking for? If not, why? This will not only help you to come up with ideas and solutions but will also help you with discussion points in meetings! Exit Intent can be used in so many website abandoning scenarios you just need to think about your different segments and journeys.

Instead of promotions why not up-sell or reconfirm the products USP’s for your customers? Customers spend a lot of time visiting your site to find the product that is right for them – so why do they leave? True, price could be an issue but maybe your customer simply isn’t sure? Exit Intent could be the comfort blanket they need to help reconfirm they are making the right decision. Reconfirming the product’s USP’s, delivery prices and timescales, or upgrading them to a product that has some additional extras can encourage customers to re-evaluate and purchase without you having to give away discounts.

Finally, who is the predictable one out of your relationship? You or your customer? If Conversion rates have not increased, could it be that your customers are savvy and know that Exit Intent messaging will be revealed to them and expose offers or other predictable incentives? To help combat this you will need to frequently change the rules around when and what message is visible or you are unlikely to gain any additional improvements.

Exit Intent should always be evolving not just with messaging but with how it is displayed; appearances count for a lot! Look at offering personalised content in your exit intent messages:

  • Tailored to the products your customer is abandoning
  • Tailor your message to the Time of Day / Day of the week
  • Could the weather affect what and when your customers purchase?
  • Geo location can be used to tailor events in customer’s local area
  • Device Type – do customers behave different when using a specific device on your site? (research on a tablet, login only on a Desktop?)

If you would like to find out more, please get in touch.